related article :
I didn't show any of your photos at the Nexus Magazine conference because ….
I did sent many my alien and ufo’s photos to a scientist for study and giving my permission to show some of my photos at the conference. But He did not ……
Here are some of his letters
Hi xxx
Thank you for sending me the grasshopper photo which I have just opened up & looked at now at 8pm on 30 January. I am not going to show these photos until I have had time to study them all & put together all the information that you have provided. I think that we have to try to come up with some sort of theory first as to what is going on. I will not do anything with these photographs unless I tell you first & get your permission because I regard all these photos as belonging to you. What I might do is put them together as a powerpoint slide show & present them to a UFO meeting but I will send you the slide show & everything that I will say first.
Thank you, xxx, for giving me permission to show some of your photos at the conference. I will send you the photos first that I would like to use to see if you agree. I will not make them available to anyone else but will direct them to your blog.
Sent: Saturday, September 06, 2008 8:15 PM
Subject: RE: from xxx
Hi xxx,
I am very impressed with this photo & I would like to show it & a few others that you have sent me to the attendees of the Nexus Magazine conference near Brisbane in early October when I am giving a presentation on my book that I sent you. Would you like me to show them during my presentation? I would describe them as photos that you have taken & that they appear to be much more important that the common orb photos people regularly taken & that they are further evidence of unexplainable phenomena.
12 October 2008 at 4:31 PM
Hi xxx,
No I didn't show any of your photos at the Nexus Magazine conference because
when I tried to upload one of your mist photos onto my Powerpoint
presentation it would not work because there was not enough memory in my
very old computer.
No I didn't show any of your photos at the Nexus Magazine conference because
when I tried to upload one of your mist photos onto my Powerpoint
presentation it would not work because there was not enough memory in my
very old computer.
Related article:
Related article:
Hi xxx
Yes I find the ugly mist thing very strange indeed.
Hi xxx
It certainly looks a little like one of our short-necked freshwater turtles that live in Australia. We also have long-necked freshwater turtles in Australian rivers with necks twice as long again. Did you photograph this one more than once.
Hi xxx
Yes I have received & looked at all of the photos that you sent me & also went back to read all the emails that you sent to the group. The photos are all very interesting & I think that it is important that you keep photographing & studying the alien life forms & keep notes & gather the photos into groups to look for patterns. Patterns are the way that we recognise everything in the universe. If something is repeatedly observed one begins to notice repeated patterns. Watching planes or birds fly over as an example gives us patterns that tell us the flight paths & times of the flyover of birds & planes. Only by repeated observation do we learn more about the world around us.
I am very interested in the very small peanut-sized animal-like things that you mentioned that you often see each day. As you said many of these things might be existing with us but we cannot normally see them. You seem to have a special ability to see & therefore photograph them. Perhaps they are visiting all of us but we cannot see them so we will have to rely on you. So please continue to send me photos & I will continue to think about them & see if I can see any patterns so that it may one day make sense to us.
Kind regards
Hi xxx
Hi xxx
Thanks for the 2 alien dog photos. To try to get an explanation maybe you should take some of these pictures to the shop that sold you the camera & ask them why does the camera record all these strange images & is the camera faulty? Do not mention anything about aliens or ufos because the idea would be to get them to check what is going on even though we can be sure that the camera is not faulty but it would be interesting to try to get an explanation from the camera technical people. The second photo is interesting because it shows something definitely sitting on the roof of your house.
Hi xxx
I particularly like these 2 photos taken inside your gazebo & it is amazing that such bright lights that the camera recorded was invisible to you. I believe that the reason is that the objects are vibrating or producing light at such a high speed of vibrations or waves that our eyes cannot see them but the camera can. A bit like if a fly flew very fast past our eye we might just notice a very tiny fuzzy blur but if we took a digital photo just as the fly flew past we would get a perfect photo of the fly & it would look like the fly was not moving but just hovering in front of the lens & was very large.
Kind Regards
Hi xxx
As I said in my other email sent today, if you can supply me with all of the relevant information about each photo, when & why it was taken, how far the subject was away from the camera & was the subject visible & if so did it move & how long was it visible so that the circumstances around each photo are known then I can start showing the photos around.
Thank you so much for phoning me & telling me so much of what you have seen. It was very good to hear you talking because it helps me to understand who you are. The trouble with the emails on the internet is that you do not know who you really are communicating with but by talking on the phone we have good human contact. I will try to come over to New Zealand & meet you but first I must apply for a passport as I have not left Australia since 1994. Next I will email you some studies that I have written in my attempt to understand what is really happening with the aliens & the humans so hope you enjoy reading it.
Thanking you once again & I will keep everything private.
Also let me wish you, xxxx & the rest of your family a very happy Christmas & hope that we can get together in 2007.
Kind Regards
Can you email a picture of the humanoids that you saw to this list & tell us more about them? Did the pair of humanoids look solid like they were actually hovering in the air above your kitchen or were they more like a holographic image? Where they inside or outside of the house & was it day or night? Did you draw or photograph them & what are these other 21 humanoids & the 14 photos & where can they be viewed? You say that you saw them on 30 August 2005 but are you still able to see them? It certainly sounds very interesting. Are you receiving any communication from them? I wish I was in New Zealand so that I could see for myself but I could always fly over which would be well worth it if it was actually possible to obtain close views of extraterrestrials or UFOs.
I found your photo of the transparent disc or flying saucer particularly interesting & unlike any other photo that I have seen.
Wishing you all a happy Easter.
Hi xxx
Thanks for the wonderful photographs that you took of 3 flying saucers, I
think they look weird because of the energy surrounding them that distorts
their shape in the photo. When & where did you photograph them & can I send
the photo on the other UFO researchers?
think they look weird because of the energy surrounding them that distorts
their shape in the photo. When & where did you photograph them & can I send
the photo on the other UFO researchers?
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